
Advertising is a great way to reach your audience in their car, at home, work or even the shops.

Advertising Packages are currently being developed and we will update pricing as soon as these are available.

PackageAds Per WeekTotal AdsCost (ex GST)
Twelve Months502,600$ 6,880.00
Twelve Months201,040$ 3,880.00
Six Months501,300$ 3,880.00
Six Months20520$ 1,880.00
Three Months50600$ 2,180.00
Three Months20240$ 980.00
Six Weeks50300$ 1,180.00
Six Weeks20120$ 540.00
One Week5050$ 250.00
One Week2020$ 160.00

Spot Ads are available for $20 + GST plus Production for 30 to 45 Seconds of airplay.

90% of advertisements purchased are programmed to run between 6am and 7pm Daily.

Special Packages are available from time to time.
These packages are a six month commitment and may include: National News, Weather, Sports News, Time Zone Top 40, or others as available.

Monthly payment plans can be arranged for all packages.
Production costs are not included and are currently $80 + GST per advertisement produced.

If you’d like to discuss you advertising needs, please Contact Us today!